Often a telephone call will be the first contact a potential customer will have with your company, therefore it is vital to get it right. That first conversation can go a long way to winning new business.
Here an 08Direct we have created a top 10 points to avoid customers hanging up, which will potentially increase your companies revenue.
1. First Impressions
A phone will be made to you often before the caller has any prior experience of your operations. The all important first impressions can be boost by the phone number you are providing, the welcome message you record and the length of time it takes for you to answer the call.
2. Customer Greeting
If you receive business and personal calls on the same number you will want to distinguish business calls so you can answer the phone accordingly. If you use a non-geo number, you can install a call whisper which will alert you to the fact you are receiving a business call before answering.
3. Telephone Manner
Answering the phone professionally, while staying friendly will make the customer feel comfortable speaking to you. We have a full article regarding how to improve your telephone manner.
4. Getting to know your customer
Building a relationship with the caller will make them feel wanted and become more inclined to do business with you. Get to know their name, their interests and the specifics of the job they require.
5. Use Professional Language
Always avoid using slang words or inappropriate language. Remember that you’re wanting to win business, you’re not talking with a friend or relative. Be polite and always give the caller the chance to give all the information they wish to.
6. Company and Product Knowledge
The chances are that any new customer will have lots of questions about your company and/or the products or services you provide. If you can’t give clear answers this will make the customer become confused and feel like you are uninterested in their business.
7. Feeling Unimportant
Always make your customers feel important and that their call is valued. If you are working on an alternative task while speaking, or are giving the impression you have more important things to be doing the chances are you won’t make the sale. Give your
8. Noisy Environment
If your customer is struggling to hear you or you are distracted by things happening in the environment around you, they will be far more inclined to hang up the call.
9. Use Voicemail
At times there will be occasions when you are unavailable to take a business call. It be you are meeting with clients or too busy to immediately answer the phone. On these occasions it is vital that yo provide a professional voicemail and that you contact them back at the earliest opportunity.
10. Have a Reliable Phone System
Whether you are just using your mobile, or a more complex in house network, it’s very important that it is reliable and you know how to operate it. If you loose signal, loose battery power or accidentally cut a customer off the chances are you will have lost their custom.
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