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How to grow your business nationwide

Now that everyone’s firmly back up and running after the Christmas break, it’s likely that you’re looking ahead to the New Year and feeling ambitious about what lies ahead. If you spent last year building your business or if you’re still in the process of doing so, it may be that you want to push…

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Plan ahead for Christmas

Don’t worry we’re not going to start counting down the days, but we are going to give a gentle nudge that it’s time to start preparing your business for the festive season. The increase in demand and the generosity of spirit that goes hand in hand with Christmas means that for many businesses, it is…

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5 things to remember when setting up an ecommerce website

  If you’re planning to start up an ecommerce business then it is crucial that your website is up to scratch. 08 Direct have put together some of our top tips to remember when setting up a website so that your business can maximise its success: Keep it simple – Anything complicated will have anyone…

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Top 5 tips how to make your website work for you!

Nowadays, your website is the first impression upon the potential customer, their first port of call when they want a service. More often than not, if a person needs a particular service or product, they will use a search engine to find a company that can provide what they need. So, to put it simply,…

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