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Technology found to be the key to a better work-life balance

  Developments in technology have been stated as the key to a better work-life balance according to a survey of over 2500 UK employees, carried out by market researcher Opinion Matters. Just under half of those (45%) of those asked say that technology has changed their job role or career in the past year, with…

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SMEs lack confidence in their disaster recovery systems

It has been found that one in three UK companies are putting their business operations are risk by storing their data back-ups on-site, according to new research. In the study, carried out by Onyx Group and Computing magazine, it was found that less than half of back-up was stored off-site in a secure data centre,…

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‘Worliday’ mentality adopted by Britain’s small businesses

Around two-thirds of UK small business owners are likely to use their mobile devices for work purposes when not at work, according to recent research. 62 per cent of people who run a small business said that they would be ‘very likely’ or ‘fairly likely’ to access their mobile devices for actions such as checking…

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Number of people setting up small businesses grows over past year

A boom in entrepreneurial spirit over the last year has been recognised in new research as the number of people setting up their own business has grown by 24 per cent. In the study by which surveyed over 300,000 businesses, the growth can be seen across the country as people in the North are…

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Large companies encouraged to follow in footsteps of small business

Big business is being encouraged to adopt the entrepreneurial spirit of startups and SMEs in the aim of boosting the UK’s economic growth. In a recent study carried about by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has found that encouraging a culture of ‘intrapreneurialism’ could help bigger business to follow the same innovation and…

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Remote working trend continues to grow amongst small businesses

Half of all employees now work out of the office at least once a week and more than one in four choose to work out of the office every day, new research has found. Being able to work remotely has been boosted by faster broadband speeds and better IT infrastructure, which enable employees and business…

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