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0845 numbers

0845 Numbers – The Experts Guide

The costs to call 0845 Numbers from mobiles and landlines From July 1st 2015 the way calls to 0845 numbers are charged were simplified and brought in line with all 084 numbers such as 0844 and 0843. This has made the costs more transparent as varying costs caused much confusion to consumers and businesses alike.…

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Ofcom Steps In To Resolve Dispute Between BT And Mobile Operators

Since November 2009, BT (British Telecommunications plc) has introduced a new charging system regarding the mobile termination rates of calls to 0845 and 0870 number ranges. Whilst BT has always had a termination charge for 0845 and 0870 numbers hosted on their network, the new introduced amendments have seen BT charge termination costs as a…

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