Mobile broadband users in London, receive connection speeds that are up to four times slower than their counterparts in New York.
According to extensive research carried out by RootMetrics, mobile download speeds in New York are ‘significantly faster’ that in London. The results have been collated from 16,707 on the ground tests across both cities.
The average download speed in New York was measured at 8.5mps (megabits per second), in comparison to a much slower 2.265mbps in London.
Upon release of the results Root Metric CEO Bill Moore commented: “With mobile internet use soaring, having a fast, reliable data connection has become as important as having a consistent mobile signal. It’s quite amazing to find such a vast disparity in services between two cities that are rival destinations for global business and tourism.”
Even more fascinating is the difference in connection speeds depending on your location in the London area. It may come as a surprise to a few to hear that the fastest test was conducted in Chingford Mount, which on the far outer edge of London and not the financial district.
The research also found that users connected to the Three network consistently received faster connection speeds, with O2 second, Vodafone third, Orange fourth and T-Mobile fifth.
The research should now become nationwide to find reliable statistics to see if the UK as a whole is generally lagging beind the USA in mobile internet speeds.
Do you rely on fast mobile download speeds for business? This could be checking emails, viewing websites or using your favourite apps.
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