As you’re reading this you’re clearly already online and pretty-well versed in using the internet. After all, as much as we love our blog, if you are looking for something to read and don’t know much about t’internet, you’re more likely to buy yourself a novel from best seller charts, than seek out our daily musings.
But lots of people are still untouched by the wonders of the internet – something which concerns the Government which is why they have been paying founder and web evangelist, Martha Lane Fox to be the UK’s Digital Champion.
And the BBC has now launched a high profile campaign called ‘Give an Hour’ which encourages anyone confident enough with computers to donate their ‘free’ hour when the clocks go back on Sunday 30 October to introduce someone to the internet for the first time.
Alongside its many partners, the BBC will be encouraging the estimated 30 million people in the UK who use the internet regularly to help the estimated 8.7 million (source: ONS surveys) who are still offline to get started by ‘giving an hour’.
That’s a lot of people who could be looking at your company’s website, finding out about your business and ringing your 08 number to buy your products and services.
So if you can spare the time, why not give an hour this weekend and help one person to get online? If we all do it, then we’ll expand our potential target markets together.
Find out more at
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