To Make a Successful Business You Need to Start With Your Customers. Here at 08 Direct We Have Made a Note of Customer Bugbears to Help us Achieve Outstanding Customer Service.
We understand that having bad dealings with service providers in the past can cause apprehension in the future. Below is a list of the most common customer complaints, and how we at 08 Direct have practices in place to prevent your business being subject to them.
Customer Bugbears 1 – More Than One Person Handling Customer Needs
At 08 Direct we provide all our clients with designated account managers who will follow your progress and provide any help possible. You will not be passed to several different staff members, offices or locations as we deal with all customer enquiries at our head office in Leeds, where all members of staff are briefed daily regarding customer profiles.
Customer Bugbears 2 – Custom Not Being Valued
We value every customer that chooses to or is interested in using our services. We have highlighted this by our range of free call management packages which include auto attendant, voicemail, welcome message, fax number to email and much more.
Customer Bugbears 3 – Customers Being Unaware or Not Receiving Information
Having designated account managers you will always be aware of any changes that take place with 08 Direct. Currently developing a new website, social networking and newsletter feeds we will keep you up to date of every step we make.
Customer Bugbears 4 – Problems Not Being Dealt with Efficiently.
Although businesses strive to pre-empt all situations, unpredicted problems can sometimes arise. With a disaster recovery regime set in place and the ability to answer your calls no matter what situation arises, 08 Direct’s staff members are always on hand. If your company is experiencing problems we have a wealth of technical knowledge, experienced engineers and in-house technical support, so if a problem does occur, the solution is just around the corner.
Customer Bugbears 6 – Being Kept on Hold
We will not leave you with a busy tone or to ponder what is happening on the other end of the line, we will always inform you what is happening and will respond to your call as soon as possible.
Customer Bugbears 7 – Call Centres Based Outside of the UK
08 Direct’s account support is based in the UK, so no matter what time or day you ring; you will be put through to a UK resident.
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