SMEs lack confidence in their disaster recovery systems

It has been found that one in three UK companies are putting their business operations are risk by storing their data back-ups on-site, according to new research. In the study, carried out by Onyx Group and Computing magazine, it was found that less than half of back-up was stored off-site in a secure data centre,…

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Protecting the family interest

Half of British small business owners plan to pass on their business to their children when they retire, according to recent research. In the survey, carried out by Close Brothers Asset Management, it was found that 63 per cent of the 837 employers asked are planning to pass their business on to a family member…

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Annoying cold sales techniques

Unsurprisingly, 91 percent of UK consumers say that they have been annoyed by cold sales techniques. Cold sales calls were found to be the worst offenders at 74 per cent and PPI calls being close behind at 71 per cent. Other forms of cold communications were found to be marketing text messages, irrelevant online ads…

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Plan ahead for Christmas

Don’t worry we’re not going to start counting down the days, but we are going to give a gentle nudge that it’s time to start preparing your business for the festive season. The increase in demand and the generosity of spirit that goes hand in hand with Christmas means that for many businesses, it is…

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UK jobless totals fall by over 18,000

UK unemployment figures have fallen by 18,000 to 2.49 million in the June-August period, according to official figures. The Office for National Statistics also revealed that the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance last month fell by 41,700 to 1.35 million. The unemployment rate now stands at 7.7 per cent, down from 7.8 per cent…

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Fail to plan, plan to fail

Half of business owners have been found to believe that preparing a long-term business plan is a ‘waste of time’, according to a recent survey. In the survey carried out by Moore and Smalley Chartered Accountants and Business Advisers, business owners are cautious about the uncertain future and have found it difficult to forecast what…

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Small businesses losing billions as they fail to invoice

British SMEs are said to be losing out on up to £3.7bn every year through forgotten invoices, according to a new study of 450 businesses. Around 20 per cent of those surveyed said that they have forgotten to invoice for goods or services at least once. 12 per cent of these said that the job…

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The importance of encrypting data

Small businesses are being reminded of the importance of have adequate data protection measures in place to ensure that customer details are kept safe. This has come following a £5,000 fine imposed by the Information Commissioner’s Office upon London sole trader, Jala Transport last week, after it lost a hard drive containing the financial details…

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Top 5 tips for combating stress in the workplace

We’ve recently reported about how stressed out workers are costing UK businesses millions as more and more employees are having to take time off to cope with the pressures placed on them at work. Whatever the cause of your stress, unrealistic deadlines, pressure from above or lack of support, there are ways to cope with…

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