How much do 0843 cost?

0843 numbers work in exactly the same way as 0844 numbers, which are also now more widely used and well known and trusted by the public. Just like an 0843 number, all 0844 numbers at 08Direct cost absolutely nothing to setup and connect. When your customers call an 0844 number they are charged a flat…

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08 Direct Become Horndean FC’s 12th Man

08 Direct has made a generous donation to Hampshire-based football club, Horndean FC. The club which was founded in 1887 established a committee in 2008 to begin to encourage growth and bring about the highest standard of football achievable. Being a Leeds-based company 08 Direct takes its role in the community seriously and admire the…

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What’s The Catch? It’s Sound too Good to be True…..

Are consumers overlooking a good deal these days because of scepticism or the worry of being caught out by a scammer……..? 08 Direct’s services are completely free with our wide range of bronze numbers all available free of charge but what’s the catch? Well, there isn’t one…… Recently we have noticed that consumers find our…

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IVR Telephony Solutions

What is IVR Telephony? IVR telephony relates to Interactive Voice Response solutions.  This is a telephone system where by a telephone interacts with an associated database through a touch-tone keypad or voice response.  This allows the extraction or input of information into the system. IVR telephony is used often in everyday life, common uses are…

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To Make a Successful Business You Need to Start With Your Customers. Here at 08 Direct We Have Made a Note of Customer Bugbears to Help us Achieve Outstanding Customer Service. We understand that having bad dealings with service providers in the past can cause apprehension in the future. Below is a list of the…

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NT – Number Translation Services

What is Number Translation? What Numbers Fall into the Number Translation Category? Business Benefits of Number Translation. Many telecoms companies now supply number translation services, which is a method of routing telephone calls to another hidden mobile or fixed line number. The service relates to numbers beginning with 07, 08 or 09 and are non…

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Business Acumen/Acumen Business

Business Acumen is the new term flying around the corporate world, but what is Business Acumen? What is Business Acumen? Business acumen or acumen business is a term that originated in corporate training and development. It is the term used to describe a person with shrewd business skills and knowledge who understands their relevant industry…

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Ofcom Steps In To Resolve Dispute Between BT And Mobile Operators

Since November 2009, BT (British Telecommunications plc) has introduced a new charging system regarding the mobile termination rates of calls to 0845 and 0870 number ranges. Whilst BT has always had a termination charge for 0845 and 0870 numbers hosted on their network, the new introduced amendments have seen BT charge termination costs as a…

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iPhone 4 vs 3GS

The iPhone 4 has jumped into the top spot in the smartphone hierarchy but is it a photo finish with the iPhone 3GS, should we have a recount? Being a gadget fan I love to whip out my iPhone 3GS, check out my apps and generally flaunt the fact that I am an iPhone user,…

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Telephone Manners

How to Improve Telephone Manners Speaking on the telephone is not an easy task but in any job it is often a requirement. It is assumed that employees will have developed telephone manners but this is never a pre-requisite and not something widely taught. We have compiled a list of tips to help you tackle…

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