Agency workers’ rights – new rules to cost UK businesses £2bn

A couple of days ago we blogged about how red tape for businesses can sometimes be a good thing. But today’s post highlights new rules which are unlikely to be received warmly by UK SMEs. From tomorrow, agency workers will have additional rights in pay and benefits which are similar to full-time staff once they…

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Google wants your wallet – Contactless Payment with your phone.

If you visit a McDonalds drive through you’ll notice they now have signs advertising contactless payment. And Barclaycard ran a huge promotional campaign, including an iPhone game, about contactless payment too (remember the waterslide through the city?). So, it is little surprise that Google, one of the greatest innovators of our time has gone into…

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Stopping spam – rules, permissions and red tape

Rules and regulations. They’re not everyone’s taste and in business there is a widely held view that there is far too much bureaucracy and red tape which simply holds SMEs back. But sometimes you need to see what happens when there aren’t any rules, to know just how important they are. Let me explain… India…

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Yorkshire’s IT & telecoms network,Techmesh, merges with chamber

Another sign of the times perhaps as, Techmesh, the IT and telecommunications business-to-business member network, has merged with the Leeds, York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce. Techmesh was originally set up and launched in 2010 by Connect Yorkshire on the back of Yorkshire Forward’s initiative to set up an IT and telecoms B2B member…

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Banks hold key to revitalising UK small businesses

We’re in a vicious circle with our economy at the moment. We need businesses (like yours) to grow and create jobs so that people have more money to spend with businesses (like yours!). Unfortunately, banks have been reluctant to lend money to businesses and that’s caused a problem because without that funding SMEs can’t invest…

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Big new Facebook features coming soon?

Facebook’s f8 developers conference takes place today and there are plenty of rumours flying around about what the social network has up its sleeve. In just over a year, Facebook has gone from 350 million users to more than 750 million, so, although to most of us, a developers conference is about as interesting as watching paint…

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5000 mile phone call rescues couple in Brazil

However advanced technology gets, a phone call is often the most effective way to communicate. This is perfectly illustrated by the couple from London who became trapped in a remote ravine in the Amazon jungle. The pair, aged in their 60s, became trapped after their motor home left the road 200 miles from the nearest…

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Ofcom bans auto-renew telco contracts

Ofcom has confirmed that rollover contracts, which tie landline and broadband customers into repeated minimum contract periods unless they opt out, will be banned from December this year. The contracts, also known as Automatically Renewable Contracts (ARCs), roll forward to a new minimum contract period – with penalties for leaving – unless the customer actively…

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Apple is now richer than USA Government

Today is the the day that the US Senate is voting on a bill to save America’s economy by increasing its debt limit by $2.4trillion. Now as someone who works for a telecoms business, I like long numbers but in this case I had to write trillion as I didn’t want to type out all…

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