iPhone 4 vs 3GS

The iPhone 4 has jumped into the top spot in the smartphone hierarchy but is it a photo finish with the iPhone 3GS, should we have a recount?

Being a gadget fan I love to whip out my iPhone 3GS, check out my apps and generally flaunt the fact that I am an iPhone user, so when Apple launched the new iPhone 4 I became very excited. I have to admit that I have never had a problem with my 3GS model so it seems a bit ruthless to cast it to one side for a better looking model. Are these the first symptoms of a mid-life crisis? Will I be buying a fast car next, just because it looks good? Or do I really need the iPhone 4?

It can’t be denied that the new iPhone 4 looks good. Boasting a new slimmer design compared to the iPhone 3GS, toughened glass and an anti-grease coating to combat all those inquisitive sticky fingers. The high-resolution retina display has 960×640 resolution, 326ppi and multi-touch technology. The 3GS has the same technology but does not have high-resolution display, with 480×320 resolution, 163ppi and multi-touch, it holds the same characteristics, but the iPhone 4 just does it that little bit better.

So what does the iPhone 4 have that the 3GS option doesn’t? Well, they both have a camera but the 3 megapixels offered with the 3GS has been increased to 5 megapixels on the iPhone 4. Apple has also upped its game by including a LED flash, backside illumination sensor and a front camera with the ability to carry out video calls. I realise not everyone will be thrilled by the prospect of video calls, the idea of somebody having to see my less than polished features is not a thought I relish but if Apple are making it available, I’m sure other smartphone manufacturers will soon follow suit.

Both phones incorporate video recording but the LED light on the iPhone 4 makes it that little bit easier. What truly sets the iPhone 4 apart from the rest though is the impressive technology in the Apple A4 processor, increasing application speeds and probably one of the reasons for the increase in battery life.

It has to be said the iPhone 4 is definitely getting my gadget fever rising but Apple has also thrown another spanner into the works. Apple are offering the 8GB iPhone 3GS for a cheaper price, available in the USA for around $99. The prices have still to make their way over the Atlantic but it definitely holds an ideal alternative for iPhone fans looking for a cheaper option.

Since the iPhone 4s release on June 24th there have been complaints regarding network service when using the phone in your left hand. Apple has offered a solution to the problem and are said to be supplying cases for the new phone to solve the problem. However, if this is the only problem with the new iPhone, then it is a small price to pay for all the advantages.

The iPhone 3GS is an excellent smartphone with heaps of capability. For all those who have the means to pay a bit more I am sure the iPhone 4 will be a great addition.

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