Top 10 Must-Have Features of a Good Business Website

Gone are the days of whether it’s an option to have a website for your business – these days you’d need a good reason to not have one. It acts as a virtual shop window so it pays to invest in it. We’ve put together our top 10 tips of the most features to have when creating your business website:


Logic – Having a logical pathway for your website makes it much more user friendly. Whether you’re already up and running, or you’re in the process of setting up your website, map out how you want it to work so that you can see if it’s clear or confusing.

SEO Conscious – Search engines are your best friend with a business website so you need to keep up to date with them. You want your website to be clearly visible when people are searching for your products so get up to speed and pay attention to updates! A reputable seo agency will work to lift your organic ranking positions for the keywords your audience are using when researching your products and services.

Quality – One piece of quality content holds a lot more value to you than a million rubbish pieces on your website. Think interesting, informative and relevant in all aspects, from your written content to images to videos, so that people that come to your site know what you’re about and that you’re worth doing business with.

Call To Action – What do you want people to do once they’ve made it to your site or a particular page? If you want them to buy a product, think how frustrating it will be for them to not be clear on how to do so. Make it clear and easy.

Personality – People want to do business with people – that’s a key point to keep in mind at all times. A website needs to be personable and have something about it in order to keep the visitor’s attention. By injecting personality, we don’t mean go overboard, but make it appealing – if people like what they read and see, then word will spread.

Contact Information – It may be hard to believe, but there are still many websites out there that fail to state their contact details clearly. If you’ve kept the consumer’s interest for long enough and they want to contact you, nothing will put them off more than not having your email address or phone number readily available.

Security – If you’re selling ANYTHING online, you need to secure your site so that you protect both yourself and your customers – get yourself an SSL certificate.

Social Media Integration – Social media is one of the best ways to get your business out there and amongst your target customer base. Make sure that your business’ social media accounts are linked to your website so that people can interact with you.

Be Mobile – The number of people accessing websites through mobile devices more than doubled last year, so it’s important that your website is mobile friendly. The best way to do this is by making your website fully responsive so that it adapts to the device and screen it is being viewed on.

A Good Foundation – Keeping your website up and running is vital. Make sure you use a reputable hosting company to support your website so that you don’t have to constantly deal with your website going offline, not loading or running slowly, leading to your bounce rate increasing and visitors leaving and not coming back.

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