Superfast 4G network could arrive in the UK next month

Superfast mobile broadband could be introduced to the UK next month Ofcom have announced.

Superfast 4G mobile services are set to reach speeds up to 7 times faster than current 3G networks. Initially it was thought 4G wouldn’t arrive in the UK until the summer of 2013, but this has now been brought forward.

Fast 4G connections will allow smartphone users to watch high-definition movies online, and download songs in around 4 seconds.

The big winner in the roll out is the UK’s biggest mobile phone company Everything Everywhere. They have been given the go ahead to launch the services before anyone else. The connection speeds that will be generated will be similar current standard home broadband connections.

That said, the new network is not all good news for the public. To gain access to 4G consumers will need to upgrade their handsets, which is likely to cost hundreds of pounds. Although Apple always keep their plans a closely guarded secret, it is widely assumed that the new iPhone 5 will be 4G compatible. Other new handsets which support 4G will be launched in time for Christmas.

The UK is far from being a pioneer in the 4G world. Users in the US, the Fair East and parts of Scandinavia already have access to 4G. The delay in the UK is mainly down to a shortage of radio airwave spectrum, which has been resolved due to the switch off of analogue TV signals. Ofcom has now opened an auction process for mobile phone companies to bid to run 4G signals, which is set to raise £4.5 billion for the UK Government.

Everything Everywhere has been given the initial green light to introduce 4G as it has found spare spectrum on its existing 3G mast network. Everything Everything run both Orange and T-Mobile, so customers of these companies will have 4G access before anyone else.

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