IVR Telephony Solutions

What is IVR Telephony?

IVR telephony relates to Interactive Voice Response solutions.  This is a telephone system where by a telephone interacts with an associated database through a touch-tone keypad or voice response.  This allows the extraction or input of information into the system.

IVR telephony is used often in everyday life, common uses are that of automated responses from banks, cinemas, plane and train times etc. Being an intelligent system IVR telephony is different to systems that fall under the auto attendant category as database information can be retrieved in relation to caller ID, making it customer focused.

This customer focus within IVR telephony systems allows customers to retrieve answers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without having to talk to a single staff member. This allows experienced staff members to take calls regarding more complex scenarios that cannot be answered from database information. IVR telephony can also be used if a customer would still like to speak with a person rather than a machine; this option can be incorporated into the automated system easily.

Using an IVR telephony system calls can be answered within the first ring. This reduces the time the customer is waiting for a call to be answered and is better for the company is on the connected line quicker.

IVR telephony also allows customers the control when entering details into the phone system, which ultimately leads to fewer mistakes. It also avoids human error and always gives a pleasant and customer focused welcome and response.

Benefits of IVR Telephony Systems:

Saves time and money

Increases revenue

FAQs can be answered quickly and easily

Reduces the customer’s time on hold

Makes a small company look bigger

Handles frequent high call volumes

Serves customers 24/7

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