If you’re planning to start up an ecommerce business then it is crucial that your website is up to scratch. 08 Direct have put together some of our top tips to remember when setting up a website so that your business can maximise its success:
Keep it simple – Anything complicated will have anyone trying to use your website running for the hills. If a consumer visits your page you want to keep them interested, so use a mixture of relevant images and content, and keep your content short and to the point! If you require information from your customers then only ask for the stuff you really need, if customers have to fill out forms with content that isn’t relevant then they’ll probably go elsewhere.
Make your homepage appealing – Think of your homepage of your website as your shop window. It’s what will make customers either come inside or move on, so it needs to be clear what you offer. Make sure it’s easy to use, that your message is clear and use it to promote your best-selling products and offers.
Legality – If someone else builds your website for you, once it’s up and running, ensure that you own the copyright of the website and domain name to save yourself from running into ownership issues down the line.
Secure payments – Make sure that you invest in and use a verified and secure payment method for customers to use when they go to buy your products or services. It’s important that customers feel confident that their money will be handled safely and it pays to make them feel comfortable about buying your product or service.
Make sure it works – If your website or your payment outlet doesn’t work, you won’t receive any orders, simple as that. The beauty of ecommerce is that it is 24/7 so you can receive orders around the clock, so it needs to be usable at all times. Make sure you check and have others check that your website works before you go live and continually once you are up and running.
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